Please note: This information is correct as at 12.30pm on Saturday, July 18th, 2020 and is subject to change at any time.
Following UK Government approval that Grassroots football can return, here is a summarised version of the new guidelines to be followed by match officials in games that you’re going to be involved in, in the coming months.
- Matches can commence from August, which means you can become involved in pre-season fixtures, festivals and small-sided football competitions.
- Pre-match preparation meetings by officials should be held by video call
- Social distancing must be in place before, during the warm-up and after the matches, along with any breaks in play.
- Officials should sanitise their hands before and after a game, as well as in scheduled breaks. No handshakes should take place at all, before, during or after the match.
- Ball handling should be kept to a minimum (do you need to touch the ball at all?). The ball should be sanitised by the home team during any breaks in play (e.g. drinks breaks, etc).
- Officials should encourage goal celebrations to be avoided.
- Officials should arrive changed where possible and shower at home. Any use of indoor facilities must follow government advice on the use of indoor facilities.
- Officials should follow best practice for travel including minimising use of public transport and walking or cycling if possible. Only people from a household or support bubble can travel together in a vehicle.
- Any indoor football is not permitted.
If you have any queries, or if you are unsure about anything, please get in touch with a member of the Scunthorpe RA committee, or comment below.
This is the bare minimum that officials should be doing to keep themselves and others safe during the return of football.