Minutes from the RA’s March meeting, held at Heslam Park on Thursday, March 7th, 2020.
PRESENT: Rob Atkin, Andy Pontin, John Borrill, Dave Babski, Ethan Nundy, Ryan Boult, Andy Farr, Pete Drayton, Shemakay Own, Mark Wordsworth, Isaac Martin, Ryan Coulson, Oscar Slater, Darrell Bright, James Moody, Harry Atkin, Lucas Hunsley, Robbie Hall, Louis Stamp, Neil Birkitt, Lee Cox, Kev Booth, Kev Allen, Dave Jones, Ryan Hall, Rick Hall, Rob Nunn, Leon Westerman, David Benzema, John Buss, Sophie Jeeves, Thomas Jeeves, Paul Toplass, Jez Hyke.
APOLOGIES: Stephen Farrow, Kev Clark, Dave Raines.
GUEST: Premier League Referee Martin Atkinson
Martin Atkinson gave a good presentation, showing clips of incidents in some of his matches this season, to stir debate and the thinking process towards making the correct, informed decisions.
Message from Paul Field (RA Chairman) re Social Media Responsibilities:
“We are seeing a significant number of members being charged for making inappropriate remarks on social media, which are deemed to be sexist, racist, homophobic and/or comments about other match officials or clubs.
“The RA is working with a wide range of stakeholders to improve the knowledge and engagement to members as Football is for ALL. We totally support this drive to ensure football is inclusive, diverse and equal.”
Please remind ALL members for the need to be responsible when using social media, and if your RA uses it, please ensure that posts are appropriate and the members posting are not damaging your RA either locally or nationally.
Jack Kalson League
Saturday League
Mid-week evening matches start next month
Sunday League
– There was an incident regarding match last week, where one team fielded only 7 players after turning up late (delay of 40 mins) and two players then walking off due to a foul decision. The match was abandoned. The report is currently in the hands of the LFA.
– League matches are scheduled to finish in first week of April.
Lincolnshire League
– A meeting was held with NCEL regarding use of officials leaving few left to cover Lincs League games. Also regarding officials refereeing Central Midlands games rather than Lincs League.
County FA
– 10-minute sin bin for dissent next season. Workshop details on this TBA.
– County Cup Finals to be announced next month
Here are the appointments made (subject to confirmation / change)
21st March – BARTON BROTHERHOOD CUP – Birkdale Park, Bottesford – 7.30pm
Ref: Amy Barber, AR’s: Kev Clark and Mark Wordsworth, 4th: Ryan Coulson
28th March – TSW SPORING SHIELD – Winterton Rangers FC – 7.30pm
Ref: Louis Stamp, AR’s: Ethan Nundy and John McPolland, 4th: Kev Allen
4th April – CAROUSEL HOSPITAL CUP – Brumby Hall – 7.30pm
Ref: Andy Brown, AR’s: Dan Booth and Stephen Farrow, 4th: Lewis Waldron
11th April – IRONSTONE CUP – Brigg Town FC – 7.30pm
Ref: Harry Atkin, AR’s: Dale Chatwin and Jack Snowden
18th April – JOHNSTONE INSURANCE NURSING CUP – Birkdale Park, Bottesford – 7.30pm
Ref: Kev Booth, AR’s: Neil Birkitt and Ryan Boult, 4th: Andy Farr
25th April – TSW PRINTERS CHALLENGE CUP – Brigg Town FC – 7.30pm
Ref: Jez Hyke, AR’s: Lee Cox and Robbie Hall, 4th: Andy Pontin
7th April – IRESON CUP – Birkdale Park, Bottesford – 6.30pm
Ref: Mark Worsworth, AR’s: Andy Pontin and Shemakay Own, 4th: Neil Birkitt
14th April – TED HARRISON CUP – Brumby Hall – 6.30pm
Ref: Jack Snowden, AR’s: Louis Stamp and Oliver Woolley, 4th: Wayne Mason
21st April – DAVE WARD CUP – Brumby Hall – 6.30pm
Ref: Harry Atkin, AR’s: Ethan Nundy and Robbie Hall, 4th: Rob Atkin
28th April – BOB BEDFORD CUP – Birkdale Park, Bottesford – 6.30pm
Ref: Jez Hyke, AR’s: Kev Clark and Wayne Fitter, 4th: Kev Allen
Ref: Ryan Boult, AR’s: Ryan Coulson and James Moody, 4th: Dave Jones
Congratulations to all those who have been appointed and just remember a few important points:
– You are representing the league
– Take a professional approach to your matches
– Arrive on time
– Dress smartly
– Be proud
– Organise your teams, enjoy the match, the occasion and give it your all
– Smile ?
County Sunday Cup Quarter Finals last weekend – Ethan Nundy and Kev Booth
County U-16’s Semi Final – Ryan Coulson, Ethan Nundy and Harry Atkin
County representative match – Lincolnshire U18 v Sheffield and Hallamshire U18 – Ethan Nundy
Congratulations to ETHAN NUNDY who has been selected to go to the IBER CUP this summer!! We look forward to your autumn presentation Ethan!
Event reminders
Development Weekend 2019 – Saturday 6th and Sunday 7th July – location TBA
Eve of Final Rally – Friday 17th May – RAF Bentley Priory, Stanmore
Non-League Finals Day – Sunday 19th May – Wembley Stadium
SRA 75th Anniversary dinner
RA end of season football match – over 25’s v under 25’s
Friday 17th May in a 7 v 7 format at Brumby Hall – time TBC
Andy Pontin to manage O-25’s
Robbie Hall to manage U-25’s