Minutes from the RA’s March meeting, held at Heslam Park on Thursday, February 6th, 2020.
PRESENT: Rob Atkin, Andy Pontin, John Borrill, Andy Farr, Pete Drayton, Ethan Andrew-Freeston, Ryan Boult, Ryan Coulson, Wayne Mason, Ethan Nundy, Harry Atkin, Jack Snowden, Lucas Hunsley, Luke Senescall, Ashley Betts, Robbie Hall, Kev Allen, Kev Booth, Dave Jones, Jez Hyke, Amy Barber, Mark Woolley, Daz Bright, Louis Stamp, Dave Babski, John Spouncer.
APOLOGIES: Lee Cox, James Moody, Paul Toplass, Dawid Chabe, James Needham, John Buss, Wayne Fitter, Oscar Slater, Mark Wordsworth.
GUEST: None.
Email notification regarding results of RA Board Elections 2020 – all 3 nominations were elected.
- Jack Kalson League
- Some club scores not received
- Saturday League
- 2 games recently abandoned, both with LFA
- Expected to be busy for mid-week matches during March and April.
- Sunday League
- Meeting held last month – just Burton left in County Cup.
- Reminder to get sportsmanship marks to Andy Pontin
- Challenge Cup – Referee: Daz Bright, AR’s: Ethan Nundy and Harry Atkin, 4th: Rob Atkin
- Bob Bedford – Referee: Ryan Coulson, AR’s: Jack Snowden and Kev Allen, 4th: Kev Clark
- Ireson Cup – Referee: Robbie Hall, AR’s: Wayne Mason and Wayne Fitter, 4th: Dawid Chabe
- Ted Harrison – Referee: James Moody, AR’s: Jez Hyke and Shemakay Own, 4th: Jonathan Walker
- Dave Ward – Referee: Louis Stamp, AR’s: Ryan Boult and Mark Wordsworth, 4th: Will Norriss
- John will confirm all dates when they are arranged.
- Lincolnshire League
- No news.
- County FA
- RAFA night is on Thursday 5th March 2020 at BGU. Free to attend, you just need to book your place online on the Lincolnshire FA website. It would be good to take a good following from Scunthorpe.
- Anthony Taylor and Gary Beswick will be there as guest speakers.
- Council meeting due 13th Feb
- Interactive website soon to be up and running
- Cup final appointments to be announced soon
- Level 5 to 4 promotion group meeting to be advised – ALL expected to attend!
- RAFA night is on Thursday 5th March 2020 at BGU. Free to attend, you just need to book your place online on the Lincolnshire FA website. It would be good to take a good following from Scunthorpe.
- County Core Group
- Michael trying to establish
- Level 3 and 4 referees as mentors
- For those in promotion scheme and those going into adult football
- Meeting for Northern group hopefully in April
- Meeting one Sunday in July involving North and South groups
- Stepping stone for those with potential to be involved and develop towards promotion
- Other
- No matters reported
- Rob Atkin presented “Being the Best Team” to the group.
- Non-league Finals Day at Wembley – Sunday 17th May 2020. Please register your interest in going to Rob.
- Refs footy match – U25’s v O25’s at the end of the season. Proposed date: Friday 15th May 2020.
- RA dinner – Friday 29th May 2020.
- None.
- A few good examples of recent match incidents and misconduct discussed.